Syncly Support Perceived Priority Definitions

When contacting Syncly Support, customers can let us know of your Perceived Priority in accordance with the descriptions below.

🔴 High
Definition: An emergency condition rendering the use or continued use of any one or more functions of the Syncly Platform impossible or significantly impaired. The condition requires an immediate solution that is not already available to the Customer.

🔶 Medium
Definition: An issue that materially impairs substantial features of the Syncly Platform functionality for a high number of users and no reasonable workaround is available.

🔵 Low
Definition: An issue that impairs a feature of the Syncly Platform for a single or few users and a reasonable workaround is available.


Please note: If Support can not obtain the necessary troubleshooting results from the Customer, Support may reduce the priority level or, in rare circumstances, may close the ticket.